Matthew 18: 12 – 35

V12 -14 – It is such a blessed truth to know that God is always constantly seeking us and is always careful that we remain in Him. He comes seeking and knocking all the time. It is not his will that any of us perish, and so He comes calling for me and you. He calls and says… “Stop living like that.” “You are on a dangerous path.” “Come have deeper communion with me.” “Why are you constantly doubting my power? Put your trust in me.” “Son/daughter, read my word so that you may know me… that is eternal life.”

And, of course, there is so much more that God does. He warns, disciplines and ensures that He brings us back. And so…

Hebrews 3:15-19 NLT

Remember what it says: “Today when you hear his voice,  don’t harden your hearts as Israel did when they rebelled.” And who was it who rebelled against God, even though they heard his voice? Wasn’t it the people Moses led out of Egypt? And who made God angry for forty years? Wasn’t it the people who sinned, whose corpses lay in the wilderness? And to whom was God speaking when he took an oath that they would never enter his rest? Wasn’t it the people who disobeyed him? So we see that because of their unbelief they were not able to enter his rest.

V15 – 17 – The same way God is always seeking us, to ensure that our relationship with Him is restored, He asks us to do the same in this very detail for every one of the other believers who has sinned against you. Our hearts must always be filled with forgiveness as well.

It is good to help the other person see that they did you wrong, but it’s also important not to hold it against them. Even before you tell them the wrong they did, deal with it before the Lord and ensure that you forgive them.

And of course, remember, as v15 says – do it privately.

V18-20 – I think these are some of the most misinterpreted verses in the church. It seems as if Christ is speaking about this kind of great power such that whatever two or more believers agree about, it is given to them. Of course, this may not be fully correct in its entirety. And so, to understand these verses, we must look at the context and have a better understanding.

Based on the context, it’s clear that Jesus is speaking about church discipline and restoring believers. These verses need to be connected to the verses above. In particular, verses 15-17.

To understand better, look at these readings on these websites:

What does Matthew 18:18 mean? |

Matthew 18:18 Meaning of Whatever You Bind on Earth – ConnectUS (

What Does it Mean ‘Whatever You Bind on Earth’? (Matthew 18:18) (

V21 – 35 – The parable of the unforgiving debtor is very profound. As a believer, forgiveness must be automatic. There is no negotiation with God or anyone else about whether to forgive or not. We MUST always forgive. When we consider what Jesus did for us on the cross and how He has forgiven all of our sins, we cannot fail to forgive anyone. Regardless of the kind of mistake that was made.

This parable starts with Peter trying to negotiate with Jesus about the number of times someone needs to be forgiven. And Jesus essentially says you must forgive every time because God has forgiven you much more.

Dear friend, stop arguing with God about forgiveness, thinking that God will change his mind about this. The Lord is very clear on this. Forgive! Forgive everyone who has wronged or has ever wronged you. Do it now!!

If you don’t, then the consequences are clear, God will not forgive you. And that means eternal separation from Him.

Colossians 3:13-14 NLT says:

Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.

And the Message version says (v12-14):

 So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.

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