Genesis 43:19-34

V19-22 Because Joseph’s brothers are not sure about the money that was put back in their bags, they bring it back and make sure the manager of Joseph’s household knows.

A big lesson here is the habit of assumption and the virtue of honesty. It’s good to be honest. Speak the truth from your heart and seek clarity. Keep every conversation in context, even when explaining what someone else said, keep it in context. Joseph’s brothers want to clarify the issue with the manager so that they just don’t assume… they want clear consciences. And this is biblical:

Acts 24:16 NIV

So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.

V23 – The brothers’ honesty and lack of assumption in this matter are met with a reply from the manager that clears the conscience. They don’t have to worry anymore; everything is clear. In that matter, they are blameless.

I am blessed by Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, He says…

2 Corinthians 1:12 NLT

We can say with confidence and a clear conscience that we have lived with a God-given holiness and sincerity in all our dealings. We have depended on God’s grace, not on our own human wisdom. That is how we have conducted ourselves before the world, and especially toward you.

Wow!! I really admire that. I desire that. That’s how I want to live. That I shall confidently say that I have lived in the world in holiness and godly sincerity. And how can I live this way? The answer is by obeying God’s word and walking in the Spirit. That was Paul’s “secret.”

V25-26 – A continuation of the story about gifts. They give the gifts from their father to Joseph. The lesson is that we must address our gifts to the right person. Joseph’s brothers met with the palace manager before they met Joseph, as you can see above, but they did not give him the gifts. They could have, and the manager would have given them to Joseph later, but they waited and gave the gifts directly to Joseph.

When you give the gift of your life in service to the Lord, give it to Him. Don’t give it to his servants. The posture of your heart matters a lot.  Your sacrifice must be directed to God and God alone. While men will be receiving it, you should see and know in your heart that you are giving it to God in full devotion and sincerity. Not to get recognition from men. Have your focus at the right place.

Other applications: When you carry a gift for your child, as much as you can, give it to them yourself. The same applies to everyone else.

V28 – Joseph’s dreams are being fulfilled. The brothers bow low to him… again and again. In vs 26, they bow. Here also, they bow. What the Lord says will happen will do.

V30 – It’s okay for a man to cry. Don’t listen to ideologies from the world. God gave human beings emotions for a reason. And God, too, has emotions. Check this excerpt from a blog on

V31 – But it’s good wisdom to know how to handle your emotions. Joseph clearly does.

V32 – When people have no Godly love, they can see you as less or different, especially when you are not like them. They might despise you. It’s written here that the Egyptians despised the Hebrews. And, of course, we go on to see that the Egyptians go on to enslave the Israelites.

Some Synonyms for despise are: detest, hate, loathe, abhor, abominate.

When this happens, how should you react?

The answer is Love.  When people hate you, love them. Love them deeply with Godly love. God will take care of the rest.

V33 – Joseph seats his brothers according to age. He recognizes and acknowledges their age. One of the unique things about life is age difference.  God designed some to be born earlier than us and others later. And so you have to be careful to know how to recognize age and treat people respectfully.

V34 – It’s clear Joseph was very happy to see his brothers, and He treats them with love. He is filled with Faith and sees the bigger picture. He does not dwell on the past.

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